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Pitsford Primary School


Curriculum Vision Statement

At the end of their time at Pitsford Primary School our children to embody our key values and leave us with an appreciation for their place in the global community.  They have the knowledge and personal skills to succeed in the world and value their unique brilliance.  Through the enjoyment of our curriculum children celebrate their journey to achievement, independence and academic excellence.


Children embody our values with an appreciation for their place in the global community.  Through their enjoyment of our curriculum, they have the knowledge and personal skills to succeed in the world and recognise their unique brilliance.

Our Values







Children will:

Have opportunity to identify these values in key role models, events, experiences and opportunities.

Be rewarded for behaving in ways which align with our values.

Identify how these values can contribute to their journey to achievement, independence and academic excellence. 

Personal skills




Social skills

Academic skills

Practical skills

Children will:

Have opportunity to develop their skills and strategies through the Pitsford curriculum.

Identify these skills in key role models, events, experiences and opportunities.

Be rewarded for practising and honing their skills.

Identify how these skills, learnt strategies and the ability to acquire new skills can contribute to their journey to achievement, independence and academic excellence.


National Curriculum

Global community

Pitsford Curriculum 

Children will

Have opportunity to develop their knowledge  through the Pitsford curriculum.

Broaden their knowledge and awareness of the global community (Cultural capital) through key role models, events, experiences and opportunities.

Recognise the importance of knowledge and understand how this knowledge can contribute to their journey to achievement, independence and academic excellence.

We want our curriculum to ensure that children:

  • Benefit from a good range of cultural experiences which broaden their understanding of diversity of every kind and give them the cultural capital and knowledge needed to succeed
  • Experience risks, learn to fail, build their personal resilience and coping skills
  • Develop their entrepreneurial skills and improve their ability to present themselves beyond their good speaking skills through development of high academic standards  


1 - Diverse real life experiences (Cultural Capital)

Ensure that the curriculum provides opportunity for children to experience life beyond their day to day experience through the inclusion of expose to other cultures, diversity, socio-economic differences and ….

2 - Opportunity to build resilience

Ensure that the curriculum provides opportunity for children to develop their resilience beyond their day to day experience through the inclusion of exposure to challenges, hardship, risk taking, problem solving and developing their understanding of the strategies to overcome this (including the development of their learning processes)

3 - Presentation of ideas of a variety of ways

Ensure that the curriculum provides opportunities for children to develop their presentation skills beyond their more comfortable medium of the spoken word through the effective teaching of writing, multi-media and artistic presentations and the inclusion of a broad range of vocabulary.


We have a planned progression of learning which builds on prior knowledge and prepares children for the next stage in their development and towards clearly defined end points. 

Our curriculum enables subject leaders to structure the sequence of learning into a logical, systematic progression for all pupils to acquire the intended knowledge and skills. Our curriculum plans combine learning in five curriculum subjects – science, geography, history, art and design technology – within a theme-based approach. Where English and Maths, RE, music, SMSC and British Values can be woven into our planning to add benefit and relevance, these form part of the plan. Subjects may also need to be taught discreetly to ensure breadth and balance.

Teachers use the progression of key concepts, knowledge and skills as prescribed in the curriculum plans to craft and deliver lessons that reflect our curriculum drivers and foster a love of learning for every child. As we have mixed age classes, we have adapted our implementation of the curriculum to suit the needs of our pupils and this is reviewed annually in light of changes in cohorts and class structures.

Using the outdoors as a learning environment is fundamental to our values and this can be school based or with enrichment visits to other locations. Trips/activities are all vital to enhance the learning opportunities we offer our children.


At Pitsford Primary School we strive for all pupils to achieve their absolute potential, by having high expectations across the board. By the end of Key Stage Two our children do extremely well when compared with national and local results. Our curriculum prioritises core skills in English and Maths, whilst ensuring the acquisition of knowledge and skills within the broader National Curriculum. 

The impact and measure of our curriculum is to ensure that children not only acquire age-related knowledge but also skills which equip them to progress from their starting points, regardless of their specific needs. Enjoyment of our curriculum ensures that children achieve highly, embody our school values, understand their place within a diverse global community and leave our school ready to take on the challenges of the next stage in their education.