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Pitsford Primary School

School Day

One of the things we are most proud of at Pitsford is that there is no such thing as a 'typical' school week.

Every day teachers seek opportunities to deliver learning in innovative and engaging ways (see our Facebook page for photographs and examples).

However, the school day broadly follows this structure: 

8:45: The school gate is open for children to make their way into school 

8.55: Registration

10:40: Break time.  All children can eat a healthy snack brought from home.  Fresh fruit is provided for all children in Reception to Year 2

10:55: Break time ends and the children line up before returning to their classes for more learning

12:00: Lunch is eaten from 12pm until 12.30pm.  Hot dinners are eaten in the hall.  If it is warm and dry then children can eat their lunch at picnic tables in the playground.  Children can then play from 12.30 until 1pm

1:00: All children return to class to start their afternoon lessons and activities

3:10: The school day ends for Class 1, children are shown out on to the playground by their class teacher and handed over to parents or carers.

3:15: The school day ends for Classes 2 and 3, children are shown out on to the playground by their class teacher and handed over to parents or carers.

Teaching staff and Mrs Roberts are usually available on the playground at the end of each day.