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Pitsford Primary School

Statutory Information


Please click HERE for details of the LA Admissions criteria which apply to Pitsford Primary School, which is a local authority maintained primary school.                      

Our Published Admission Number for intake is 10 pupils.  In 2019 and 2020 EYFS was over-subscribed.  However, we have some spaces in other year groups.  If you would like to find out more, please contact the school office.


At Pitsford, the progress of all children is continuously monitored and assessed by class teachers. This is through both formative and summative assessment (daily, weekly and termly assessment). Our expert team of teachers are constantly reflecting upon ‘Where the children are’ and ‘How we can meet their needs.’ As such we are firm believers that assessments are a part of school life and a means to measure how well the children – and the school – are doing. They are not the focus of our work and we are passionate about a balanced education rather than one that narrows the curriculum to focus solely upon exam outcomes.

In Foundation Stage assessment takes the form of the Pupil Profile which monitors the progress of the children in all areas of the curriculum. We use a secure online system called Tapestry to allow parents to input to this process so we gain a rounded picture of your child.

Teacher assessment and tracking forms the majority of our assessment work. This is linked to our iTrack system and a tracking system designed by our team to complement our curriculum model, and allow us to monitor the progress of pupils in non-core subjects.

In addition to this there are a number of nationally administered assessments, including the Phonics Check in Year 1.

Year 2 and Year 6 children undertake Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) in English and Mathematics as well as having their writing continually assessed so that teachers can make a final judgement at the end of their year.

Parents are notified of the results of Key Stage 1 and 2 assessments at the end of the school year, and this data in an anonymised format is used to assess how our school compares with others in our Local Authority and Nationally. 


Please click HERE for our latest Key Stage results


Please click HERE for more information relating to attendance

British Values Statement

Please click HERE for our statement on British Values

Catch Up Premium

How it is intended that the grant will be spent:

Wellbeing - wellbeing sports interventions; resources purchased to support wellbeing (sensory resources, Zones of Regulation). Introduction of a “healthy body, healthy mind” initiative to support key children identified in termly wellbeing assessments.

Academic catch-up – resources to aid the catch-up curriculum (including concrete resources, exercise books, workbooks). Additional catch-up sessions for key individuals or groups to address gaps in learning, particularly in phonics and maths.

How the effect of this expenditure will be assessed:

  • - Pupil Progress Meetings
  • - 6 weekly phonics assessments
  • - Maths No Problem end of unit assessments
  • - Termly wellbeing assessments
  • - Moderation of written work


Mrs Brealey, our Business Manager, and Mrs Myles our Office Administrator will be happy to help with any everyday questions you may have.

Please see the contact details on our 'Contact Us' page


Please click HERE to access information about our curriculum

Department for Education Performance Data

Please click HERE to access performance data for Pitsford including national comparisons

Equality Objectives

Please click HERE for our Equality Objectives


Please click HERE for information, advice and useful links on how we manage children's safety on-line

Financial Information

We have no employees earning a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

Please click HERE for information on financial benchmarking for Pitsford Primary School


Please click HERE for the latest OFSTED inspection report


Please click HERE to access all our school policies including:

  • Accessibility Policy
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Charging and Remissions Policy
  • Equality Policies
  • Special Educational Need Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Pupil Premium Information


We consider the safeguarding of our pupils as paramount.

We have a culture of safety and care for all our pupils and this is reflected in our Safeguarding Policy and other linked policies such as Intimate Care, Educational Visits, Site Security, Health and Safety, Code of Conduct of Staff, Acceptable Use of ICT etc.

These are all available on our Policy Page

Our Child Protection Governor is currently being reviewed.

SEND Local Offer and Name of Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

Please click HERE for details of our school's SEND local offer and other information surrounding our SEND provision

Mrs Ruth Tuttle is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and can be contacted via the school office.  If you have a complaint relating to the SEND support provided by our school for your child, please speak with Mrs Tuttle in the first instance and if this proves unsatisfactory, Ms Hyde.  Our complaints procedure will then be instigated.

Sports Premium Information

Please click HERE for information on the Sports Premium at Pitsford

Trade Union Facility Time

In the financial year 2021-2022, no working days were taken by employees of the school to undertake agreed Trade Union activity.

Values & Ethos

  • Collaboration ‘Together we succeed’
  • Enjoyment – Learning is fun, we want everyone to love being at school
  • Responsibility – We take responsibility for ourselves
  • Challenge – We reflect and challenge ourselves and each other
  • Respect – We have respect for ourselves and each other
  • Innovation – We try new ideas and take risks

Mission Statement:

Through our positive partnerships, our schools celebrate the unique brilliance of every member of our community. 

Enjoyment is at the heart of our journey to achievement, independence and academic excellence.

‘Together we succeed’